5 great Content Ideas for Facebook Live

A lot of businesses understand that Facebook Live is a very powerful tool that they can use to promote their products and services. They are aware that it is a great tool for driving new leads and sales for their business. Unfortunately, they believe that it is difficult to come up with good content ideas for Facebook Live events.

In this article, we will reveal 5 great content ideas that you can turn into successful Facebook Live events. These ideas are tried and tested and have been used successfully by other businesses. So let's get on with it shall we?

1. Host a “How To” Event

People really like videos that show them how to do something. So you can take advantage of this by showing your audience how to do something they really want to achieve. If you know your audience really well then you will be aware of the problems that they face. You can turn these problems into live “how to” video events.

Your audience will be keen to attend your “how to” live event. They really want to learn what you're going to teach them and they will see you as an expert in your niche. People in your audience will really appreciate what you teach them during your event and are likely to ask you questions as well as like and share your event.

One of the really great things about “how to” videos is that people tend to watch them over and over again. Long after your event has been recorded and posted on your Facebook page, you should find that it remains a very popular video with lots of new users discovering it.

2. Facebook Live Events for Product Launches

Another great content idea for a Facebook Live event is the announcement of a new product or service that you are launching. Facebook Live is one of the quickest ways that you can get the word out about your new product or service to your audience.

You can actually create two Facebook Live events here. The first event will be to build up anticipation about the new product launch. It is best to do this a few days prior to the launch of your new product. Use your event to make your audience excited about your new product or service.

Then create a second Facebook Live event on the day of your product launch. Here you can demonstrate all of the amazing benefits of your new product and even provide a special discount for people in your audience that purchase during the event.

3. Interviews with Experts

Most niches have well-known experts that you can invite for an interview as a Facebook Live event. These experts will probably have more followers than you do but they will be keen to work with you as you have followers that they don't have.

Agree what questions you will ask your expert prior to your event. If you make an offer during your event you can agree to share the revenue with your expert. Interviews with experts are very popular Facebook Live events and they will help you to grow your following and increase your leads and sales.

4. Demonstrate a Product or Service

There is no better way to sell a product or service then by providing a live demonstration of it. Live product demonstrations make great Facebook Live events and a lot of your audience will want to attend. Once they have seen the demonstration they will be more likely to purchase.

5. Questions and Answers

When your brand is more established and you have a good following on Facebook you can hold a question and answer Facebook Live event. This will provide your audience with the opportunity to ask anything about your business and your products and services. This will build trust and convert more of your audience to customers.

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