101 Ways to Lose Your Weight Naturally

Losing weight is the probably the biggest problem many of us face on a daily basis. It is possibly the favourite New Year’s Resolution along with giving up smoking. It is one of the hardest things to achieve and stay positive at the same time. Losing weight naturally is better for you than any fad or crash dieting programs. Fads and crash diets make you lose fluid and muscle tone first, that is why it is so hard to keep the weight off. By changing your eating habits and doing more exercise the weight will gradually disappear. You don’t have to do everything at once either. Cut some things back first; limit your chocolate bars to one or two a week instead of one or two every day. Little goals are easier to reach than that huge goal of twenty or thirty kilograms. Be nice to yourself and have a treat outside of the home instead of keeping tempting ice cream in the freezer.

Keep a food diary

When you want to lose weight one of the easiest to track when and where you are eating is to keep a food diary. If you write down everything you eat and drink every day, when you come to a plateau and can’t seem to lose any more weight or inches, see if you are overeating at times of the day, or if there is some way to change your eating habits. Some people find in better to have the main meal at lunchtime and have a smaller meal at night. The afternoon gives you more time to use the energy from the food you have eaten.

Include more exercise

Exercise is the best way apart from eating less to lose weight naturally. There are many easy and quick ways to include more exercise into your day.

Walk to work-if possible or walk to the next bus stop or hop off one stop sooner

Use the stairs-even if you work on the 10th floor, you can walk up a couple of floors each day

When you are going to park your car, make sure you are parking it on a long distance from a shopping spot that can also help you to lose your weight and make you healthy.

Join a walking club-many towns have walking clubs that walk over the city or drive to a central place and walk from there

Join a gym-some people thrive on going to the gym, others don’t. If it suits your life style this can be a great starting point for more exercise

Get an exercise partner-it is always easier to exercise with another person. You can keep each other motivated on those days you really don’t feel like exercising

Play with the kids-kick a ball around with the kids in the park, shoot some hoops, it all adds up and you will be surprised how much exercise you can get in half an hour of kicking a soccer ball

Walk the dog-always a great treat for them. Get in the habit of a daily walk or ball game in the park

Shop better

Forget about packaged foods and go for fresh fruit and vegetables and unprocessed foods. If it has more than 5 ingredients or an ingredient you can’t pronounce, put it back on the shelf.

Eliminate all packaged bakery products-cakes, biscuits, cookies

Buy fresh fruit and vegetables to snack on instead of cakes and cookies

Shop on a full stomach

Make a shopping list and stick to it

Beware of low-fat alternatives a lot of low-fat food products contain higher amounts of sugar and sodium. Many low-fat dairy products are full of sugar to give you the same taste as full-fat products. It is often better to eat less of the full-fat product and skip the low-fat alternative.  

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