3 BIGGEST BRAIN MYTHS: Take the quiz to know are you stuck under a "financial glass ceiling"?

3 BIGGEST BRAIN MYTHS: Take the quiz to know are you stuck under a "financial glass ceiling"?


This week we’re revealing the 3 BIGGEST BRAIN MYTHS that could be holding you back from your fullest power and potential. 

Register our free, live Immersion Workshop here.

Take the QUIZ below now! Are you stuck under a “financial glass ceiling”? 



Scientists have uncovered that our brains have a hidden “Money Story.”

So if your brain has been conditioned to make a certain amount of money, let’s say… $50,000 a year, you can get stuck in the “rat race” of making the same income year after year, no matter how hard you work or what you try (videos, books, webinars). 

Why? Because your brain is playing a subconscious “money story” that you’re not worth more than the $50,000 that you are used to earning. And you have no idea that this story even exists!

Do you see how this can affect and sabotage your income goals and finances?

Chances are, you could be missing out on an extra $10,000, $20,000 or more, a month!

The first key to breaking your financial glass ceiling is awareness of this fact. The next and most crucial step? 

Training and priming your brain to think and act like a millionaire.


  1. Have you made the same income for 2 years or more?
  2. Do you feel like, no matter how hard you try, you can never make more money?
  3. Do you set financial goals, only to quit when it feels too far-fetched or that maybe deep down, you don’t deserve it?
  4. Would a $2,000 emergency bill out of the blue send you running for the hills?

If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, you may be stuck under what scientists call a “Financial Glass Ceiling” or “Money Ceiling.”

And you’re not alone. 

According to recent studies... 

  • 82% of people report earning the same income for 2+ years or more
  • A whopping 76% of people live paycheck to paycheck
  • Over 50% could NOT afford a surprise $2,000 bill

So, where do you go from here?

If you want help shattering your money ceiling…



Research has shown this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Techniques that allow scientists to see brain activity like positron emission tomography (PET) or functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) show that we use every part of our brains throughout the day.

"It turns out though, that we use virtually every part of the brain, and that [most of] the brain is active almost all the time," says Barry Gordon, a neurologist at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore.



So why is it that you have all this brainpower… and still struggle to achieve what you want out of life? 

The truth is... Most people only access 10% of their POTENTIAL.

Why? There are 4 main reasons:

  • Limiting beliefs
  • Over 50 common fears
  • Self-doubt / Self-esteem / Self-worth issues
  • A lack of knowledge and skills

These are what we call “success blockers.” 

And they can cause you to stay stuck in a rut, spinning your wheels, not operating at your highest capacity and...

Certainly not living life on your own terms. 

Is this all starting to make sense now? 

Here’s the good news (great news, in fact). 

As soon as you remove these “success blockers”... your potential is limitless. No matter how old or young you are. 

The fact is: You can change your brain, change your income, and change your life at any age, whether you are 18 or 80 or anywhere in between. 

You just need the right tools and techniques. 

After that, all of your brain’s power will be readily available and at your disposal for you to use. Imagine what your life would look like then? 

If you want to discover how YOU can unlock your fullest power and potential...



For years, researchers believed the human brain was hardwired and our potential was fixed.

Meaning that you were born with certain cognitive abilities and at a certain point, they would remain the same for the rest of your life. 


You know that saying: “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”? BOGUS! 

No matter what has happened in your past… 

  • If you had a rough childhood or past trauma
  • If you struggled in school
  • If you are a “late bloomer” 
  • If you feel like you are too young or too old
  • If you feel like you don’t deserve to be rich
  • If your family has been poor or lacked resources for success in the past

The latest science shows that it does not matter

The fact is: You can change your brain, change your income, and change your life at any age, whether you are 18 or 80 or anywhere in between. 

You just need to follow the right methods and techniques to train your brain to break those disempowering patterns…

So you start creating new, powerful brain patterns and a new self-image that helps you attract success faster and easier. 

If you want to discover how YOU can flip on your “success switch” at ANY age, join our free live immersion workshop: 6 Brain Experts (John Assaraf, Dr. John Demartini, Jack Canfield, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett, Lisa Nichols, Marisa Peer) Reveal The Most Powerful New Techniques To Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs, Fears, or Self-Esteem Issues That Are Holding You Back From Achieving Your Financial Goals and Dream Life  CLICK HERE TO SAVE YOUR SPOT!.

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