INSTAGRAM 101 - PART 12/18


How to Create an Instagram Guide Step-by-Step


The Guide will not use any captions or information from the original post; this all needs to be inserted by you. You need to put a title for each post, as well as an optional description. The title appears before the description which appears before the post. This is where you include the information that you are adding to the Guide. Make sure your text is interesting and adds value to your Guide and brand.


In order to reorder posts, you need to tap on the three-dot icon on the individual post and click ‘reorder posts’, you can then move them around as you desire. It is also by clicking on the three-dot vertical icon that you remove posts from your Guide.

At the bottom of the formatting page, there is also a plus with an “add post” button, this is how you add new posts to your Guide.


Once you are satisfied with your Guide click ‘next’ on the top right corner of your screen in order to proceed to the next step. If you are unhappy or unfinished you can press ‘save as draft’ in order to come back to finishing editing later.

Additionally, you can preview Guide first. This is recommended just to make sure that you have got all your formatting sorted and it looks good.

Once you are happy with it, press share.

If it is your first Guide the ‘Guide’ icon will appear on your profile.

Now, your followers can view and enjoy and interact with your Guide, they can also share it with their friends and family, as they would share any other kind of post. You can also share your Guide to your Story in order to promote it we will discuss other promotional techniques later in this book.

So, as you can see there are a few steps involved in creating a Guide and it could come across as quite fiddly. Once you get the hang of it though creating Instagram Guide will become second nature, just as creating other kinds of posts are.

Now that you have read an overview of Guides and know how to create a Guide, the next section will go into more detail into the specific types of kinds.

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