Winning The Game of Money Review – John Assaraf and NeuroGym (2021)

Winning The Game of Money Review – John Assaraf and NeuroGym (2021)

While it is true that money can’t buy everything, it is also true that living without money is almost impossible. In addition, our financial wealth is one of the indicators of our success in life. There are many cases where people seem to be smart and even well-educated, but they don’t have money. They are struggling to survive day by day. On the other hand, there are situations where people don’t look very smart, yet they have a lot of money. Have you ever wondered what their secret is? Well, it turns out that our mindset (and our skillset) directly affects our success in life especially when it comes to finances. Of course, doing this on your own without instructions would be a daunting task and this is the reason why you need a special program designed by people who have experience in this field. One of these programs is Winning the Game of Money by John Assaraf.

What is Winning the Game of Money?

Winning the Game of Money is a product created by NeuroGym, one of the most successful companies in the field of brain retraining. This company was founded by John Assaraf, a world-renowned mindset, and behavioral specialist.

So, Winning the Game of Money relies on the latest achievements in the field of brain science in order to help people achieve the goals and success they desire. This program includes 12 different training activities focused on brain retraining. In addition, through these activities, people will eliminate their subconscious limiting opinions and beliefs and learn how to think in a proper way. In this way, they will learn how to attract unlimited wealth in their lives.

Who is John Assaraf?

In the last 30 years, John Assaraf has built 5 multi-million dollar companies, written 2 New York Times Bestselling books, and taken public on NASDAQ with a market cap of $2.5 BILLION.

He is widely regarded as one of the top business experts and mindset coaches in the world. He has guided over 100,000 members to unprecedented

John has been featured in 8 movies, including the blockbuster hit “The Secret” (seen by over 500M people worldwide), as well as “Quest For Success” with Richard Branson and the Dalai Lama.

Today, he is founder and CEO of NeuroGym, a company dedicated to using the most advanced technologies & evidence-based brain training methods to help individuals unleash their fullest power.

How does Winning the Game of Money work?

Winning the Game of Money is one of the most successful products of NeuroGym. There are many reasons behind the success of this program, but one of the most important reasons is the fact that it represents a comprehensive approach that guarantees success.

Thanks to Winning the Game of Money, people are able to release and overcome emotional and mental obstacles that keep them away from achieving their business and life goals.

It is crucial to understand that this is not some temporary activity that will bring positive effects for a short period of time. The program is designed to last for months or even years because you will change the way you think for good. In fact, practitioners will see, understand and feel a brand new level of financial discipline that will last forever. Imagine a situation where you don’t feel uncomfortable when bills come or a situation where you are constantly investing your knowledge and energy just to get a worthless paycheck at the end of the month. With Winning the Game of Money you won’t find yourself in a situation like this anymore. Even your retirement will no longer look like a difficult challenge.

Winning the Game of Money will help you learn how to manage money in the best possible way and it will block negative opinions and emotions in this process. What’s even better is that you will retrain your brain to bring positive results not only in the field of wealth and money.

This special training program will condition participant’s brain for success. According to John Assaraf’s research and many scientific studies, most people don’t use their brains to the maximum. Winning the Game of Money will help you trigger and activate the smart part of the brain located in the left frontal lobe. In this way, you will think and make decisions with more certainty and confidence.

Next, this program promises to help people eliminate their limiting beliefs and negative behaviors and habits. These are some of the reasons that ruin our efforts to become successful in life. We are living and tolerating these things for our entire life and as a result of that, we can’t reach the next level which promises a wealthier and happier life.

The 12 program activities/stages we have mentioned before will also help people increase their clarity and focus. Any decision you make related to your finances should be sound. This means that you have to make these decisions while your mind is clear and you should not involve emotions in this process. Finally, there is another thing that makes this program special – after successfully finishing the reprogramming process, you will eliminate the feeling if guilt and failure that you may had before.

What are the 12 steps in winning the game of Money Program?

I have to admit I love that this program is supervised and every 7 days the next level will be unlocked. You have to tick and actually do it. You do not do it the level will not unlock. I love that, as if you are like me I love sometimes to procrastinate and skip steps. But this program keeps you on track. 


Neuro Gym Winning the game of Money will turn your life around, by turning your thinking in different lanes so you can become positive and confident. The real you who went to sleep a long time ago.

We all deserve to be happy and healthy. According to the Law of Attraction, there is more than enough out there just ask and it is given.

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? I do…

But to receive we need to let go of our baggage we carry with us from the past into the future.

Someone ones told me the brain wants you to be happy, and the brain will go back to the thinking pattern of what it is familiar with. If happiness is an unfamiliar thought or feeling for your brain it will reject it because it is so much more familiar being unhappy.

That is what the Program will do making unfamiliar thoughts familiar.

Winning The Game of Money who will benefit from this program?

Anyone can benefit but you must be serious and put the effort and time in that program.

Just buying the program and going halfway through will not bring you the success. You might even do it twice. 

You have to be coachable and you have to want it.

It will not work if you are not serious and do it only from time to time.

What will you get with the Winning The Game of Money Training and tools, a better life, more confidence, the success you always dreamed off and so much more…

#You can listen to it on the go, as you can download all sessions as audio.

#Rescript your limiting, subconscious beliefs and habits so you achieve financial success faster and easier than ever before

#Break free from self-doubt, fear, procrastination or the lack of confidence that is holding you back from achieving greater financial success and freedom

#Eliminate any self-worth or self-image issues that may be causing you to be stuck and sabotage your success

#Recognize and Release any past traumas, stories or excuses that are holding you back

#Gain more confidence and certainty so you feel empowered and unstoppable

#Tap into your creative brain

#Activate the genius parts of your brain

#Upgrade your self-worth and self-esteem

Tools from winning the game of money.

#Winning The Game Of Money 12 Level Brain Retraining System

#The Million Dollar Success Training Library

#Live Brain Retraining Webinars

Bonus when you sign up today:

The Pros and Cons of Winning The Game Of Money:

The Pros

The course is incredibly well set out, and easy to follow. Not to mention enjoyable.   You can study at your own pace, at whatever time you choose – there’s no ‘correct’ speed at which you take the course – you simply do what’s right for your personal circumstances.

+ By ‘re-programming’ the way you think about success and money you literally change your actions too. And it’s this shift in WHAT you do – even if it’s very small – that leads to achieving the abundance you so crave.

+ You get a huge amount of support and help throughout the Winning The Game Of Money journey.

+ Winning The Game Of Money comes with a no quibble, 60-day, 100% money back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.

The Cons

Well, the biggest ‘con’ will be your own doubts that such a course as an asset to your ability to make money. We too were, at first, extremely cynical.  But since its inception, Winning The Game Of Money has literally shown thousands the way to change their self-sabotaging negativity for a far more empowering and positive mindset.  And, it has to be said, most people who are preventing themselves through the ‘wrong’ mindset don’t have an iota of an idea that they’re doing so in the first place…

My Conclusion about this product:

I can highly recommend this program and when you want to change your life and your thinking than this program is for you. It is not cheap, but if it would I guess we would not take it seriously and just add it to our collection of programs and collect dust.

I have used this product that is also why I can give you a detailed report. I am a member of this program. 

You really have to go through and put in the time and effort. Fill out the worksheets and follow the reflection on yourself.

It might become for some painful going through this. But you have the support of the community and there will always be someone there to help you.

John has a great track record and if you go back in his history you can see that he turned his life around and he knows what he is talking about. I like what John does with all the new brain science research he attends and follows through. It always depends on an individual on how successful you become.

“As the saying goes you can bring the Horse to the water, but to drink it has to come from the horse”

It all comes down to what is the price for success? Can we put a price on it?

Join the Winning Game of Money here and see you at the top.

If you are not sure yet and need more time to decide to watch the free online Event.

Join the FREE live encore Brain-A-Thon event, it is streamed each Saturday around 9:00 am Pacific time. All you have to do is register your interest and you are free to tune in. Just click here to save your spot.

Did you ever attend a live webinar with John Assaraf? The winning game of money is fascinating and exciting at the same time. Join and watch the free Event and come back to let me know what you think.

If you have some questions regarding the program please feel free to ask me in the comment section. 

PS: When is the right time to start changing your life to the better? There is no right time. Places fill up fast, join now …

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