INSTAGRAM 101 - PART 14/18


Creating Different Types of Instagram Guides

Recommend products

The limitation of the product Guide is that it can only be used to recommend products that are available in an Instagram shop. However, if your product is already on Instagram or you are recommending products that are already on Instagram: it is perfect.

For example, you could create holiday gift Guides of your favorite products; or try and get your own products featured elsewhere. Guides can add a great explanation to products or even a review, it is a great way to give in-depth detail into a particular product or shop, so long as it is available already on Instagram.

A product Guide would work well to help market a product that may be more confusing to use or gift set. You can take the time to explain what it is, what the benefits are, and why users would enjoy it.

You could also include reviews from previously satisfied customers.

Recommend posts

The most popular and most versatile kind of Guide is the recommend post Guide. You can really use this in many possible ways and, of course, recommend products and places using this type of Guide as well. You have more freedom in the recommend post Guide and can include a multitude of posts from different accounts.

When creating recommended posts, you can create a thread of Instagram posts, as your own or someone else is and you are able to add custom headlines or commentary. This is a great way to share the work of others while adding your own perspective. It can be a great way to compile information about a certain theme or issue to share with the audience.

If you cannot find a specific post that you want to share, make sure it has been bookmarked. You need to have saved the content (by pressing on the little bookmark icon on the post) before being able to include it in a Guide. You can choose up to 30 posts in a Guide.

Lists of recommendations.

For example, a list of Podcast recommendations, use posts from the accounts of the creators to create a list, with explanations of your favorite ones.

Finally, recommend your favorite small businesses! This kind of Guide is invaluable to small businesses, but is also great to connect with your audience. Audiences want to support people that they trust, so giving little shout-outs to other creators is the perfect way to build a community.

These are just a few ideas. The options are almost limitless. Be creative and unique, and the views will follow.

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