The Pros and Cons of Instagram Guides

Present yourself as an authority

By getting into Guides as early as possible you have the best opportunity to cement your place as an authority in your region. Audiences love to believe that the accounts that they follow trends, meaning it is incredibly beneficial to create relevant, exciting, and accessible Guides for your audience to learn from and share with their circles.

When you are choosing the content to include in a Guide do not overlook user-generated content. For example, posts that your audience has posted and tagged you in that explain your content, your business, your product, or your brand. The vast majority of users trust this content more than regular ads and is significantly more likely to impact their purchase decision.

No way to come across Guides organically

One of the biggest cons of Guides is that there is no way to come across them organically. At the time of writing, Guides could only be accessed via clicking on a Story or a shared post or viewing it directly from the user's profile. Instagram does have plans to change this, however. As they have not been fully integrated into Instagram’s features yet they are not fully accessible for audiences.

Design limitations

As discussed below, Instagram Guides are constrained by only using posts that already exist on Instagram, as well as being unable to change the formatting—meaning all text is the same font and you are unable to truly personalize it to incorporate it into your aesthetic branding.

Less commitment

In contrast to videos, Guides will take less effort to curate. When creating a video, you will need to Storyboard, script, record, edit, and add subtitles before you can post. A benefit to Guides is that they require a smaller level of digital literacy and skill and can be created simply and easily—with no new content required.

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