Note: You can read the full guide and resources in the carousel above ☝️

Now you know the types of content you can share; the next requirement is to ensure that you post regularly to your group. An ideal amount is about twice a day to begin with, which will ensure that your posts appear frequently on newsfeeds without saturation.

Maintaining this constant flow of content can be difficult, but one useful feature is the ‘Schedule Post’ option. When you go to make a post, you will see there is a small clock icon next to the post button. If you click this, then you can set a post to go live at a certain time.

The best time of day to post to your group in terms of engagement is 6pm. More useful though, is being able to.

Moderation and Letting a Group Run Itself

The best part of a group is that it will eventually run itself though. Once you have enough members and they are frequently posting to your group, you can start to step back a little and let it manage itself.

This is the end goal, but what is also very important is to make sure that the health of your group is strong, even when you aren’t taking a hands-on role at all times.

This has never been more important than it is right now. Facebook has recently come under a LOT of flack for ‘fake news’ and for the impact that negative Facebook groups can have on the direction of our entire culture. Many groups on Facebook exist to spread hate speech and misinformation, and Facebook is coming under a lot of pressure to stamp out this kind of thing, and as such, it is coming down hard on groups that are seen to be guilty.

Your job then, is to ensure that the content shared in your group is not in violation of terms and conditions, and that it is not seen to be inciting or encouraging antisocial behavior. You also need to do this for your own sake: a group that is argumentative and toxic will drive away potential new members and even risk sullying your brand.

There are a few ways to moderate a group.

Create Rules

From the ‘Moderate Group’ tab found on the left, you will be able to select a number of different options to help you keep things civil. One option is to Create Rules, which will help you to set the tone for your group and create boundaries and guidelines for the interactions here.

Set Moderators

Another good option is to give members of your group moderator status. This will allow you to ‘offload’ the work of banning and warning members, as well as of approving content.

Automatically Flagged

This option shows you content that has been automatically flagged. You can also find another tab called ‘Group Quality’, which will show you information regarding breaches of Community Standards so that you can take action.

Familiarize yourself with the Community Standards by following this link: https://www.facebook.com/communitystandards/


At this point, you now have a good idea of how to use a Facebook group, how to manage the settings, and how to fill it with great content.

There are lots of technical aspects with regards to setting up your group and managing the settings. However, the main takeaway should be that a great group is one that has a clear purpose and that facilitates genuine, honest conversation about a specific topic.

This way, you can create a kind of insider’s club of people who share the same interests passionately, which can then become a fantastic incentive to increase engagement with your brand, as well as a platform that can be directly monetized via sales. 

A simple model for success then is:

+ Create a strong brand with a clear mission status and buyer persona

+Create a Facebook page that acts as a shop window for your business or service.

+Create a private group for your ‘VIP’ followers that targets a specific niche or subject

+Start out by keeping your group private and inviting friends, active fans, and colleague

+Share interesting exclusive content from your own site and interesting things from around the web

+Engage in thought-provoking conversation

Talk about your group on other platforms and incentivize

people to sign up

+Begine expanding the reach of your group

Do all this and you will be able to enjoy engagement with your audience like never before. One thousand true fans? That’s just the beginning! 

Read more: You can read the full guide and resources in the carousel above ☝️

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