Chapter 5: Content Creation and Management with AI

AI’s ability to create and manage content is nothing short of impressive. By the way, this book was not written using such tools. Seriously, it wasn’t.

With that said, content creation and management tools powered by AI can make it easier for businesses who want to up their marketing strategy. Blog posts are still being read and continue to prove itself useful as a traffic magnet.

A well-written SEO article can bring in visitors who may eventually turn into paying customers with the right kind of offer. We’ll be taking a look at different content creation and management tools that are powered by AI.

On top of that, we’ll discuss the popular graphic design tools that also have AI capabilities. Whether you are looking for written or visual content, it is possible to put it all together with the power of artificial intelligence.

Let’s take a deeper look now into the tools that we know can be beneficial for creating and managing content.

AI Writing Assistants for Enhanced Content Production

AI writing tools operate on large language models or LLMs. These include Claude ( and GPT 3.5 and 4 ( What makes these stand out is that they can be easy to use.

All you need to do is create a prompt based on what you want written along with additional requests. Some AI tools may also have different features where prompts may not be needed. Let’s take a look at the following AI writing assistants that will help you up your content production game:


This AI content generation tool is great for those that want to create SEO content for their blog. It also happens to have a bulk blog writing feature that allows you to write up to 70000 words of content in one click. How crazy is that?

ZimmWriter is available in a monthly package or a lifetime deal. At the time of this writing, the lifetime deal is planning on going away. So by the time you read this (beyond January 2024), that deal might be gone.

But still, Zimmwriter might prove itself to be a useful content production tool. Especially when you want to knock out multiple blog posts at a time. Which can save you months of time in terms of the content creation process from idea to finished product. (

If you are looking to create marketing content, is a great tool that will help you create different types of it. From ads to emails (and everything in between), you can rely on this tool to generate high-quality content that will make the process a lot easier.

Jasper (

Suppose you had a much larger team. And you want something that can create high-quality content fast. That’s where Jasper comes into play.

This has the ability to create image prompts, amazon product descriptions, content summaries, and a whole lot more. It just so happens to be one of the, if not, the best overall AI content creators on the market.

This tool is quite powerful. Whether you are running a large team or a solopreneur - it’s worth giving a try. Otherwise, those doing their business solo may find it to be a little too much. And that’s OK.

Yes, you can enter prompts where you can tell it to write content in a specific style or person. It can also learn patterns as you put the software to good use.

ChatGPT (

ChatGPT has grown in popularity since late 2022. And it has become one of the better alternatives for those who may not be willing to shell out a lot of money on more sophisticated AI tools. Yes, ChatGPT is free for the most part - but there is a premium version that will come at a price.

But nevertheless, it can prove itself to be an effective content creator. You can harness its power by putting together prompts of your own. If you are looking for a tool that can even kill writer’s block - ChatGPT could be the go-to option.

Graphic Design Tools with AI Capabilities

Needless to say, graphic design and AI have come together in recent years. Visual content can be a challenge to create and can be time intensive. Did you know it takes an average of 20 hours per week to create it from start to finish?

That’s why graphic design tools with AI capabilities can be the best option for those who rely on such content. Let’s take a look at the following tools that are available:

Jasper (

Before you say “deja vu”, just know that Jasper also has graphic design capabilities. Which means it can generate unique images based on the prompts you use. And guess what happens next?

You get high-resolution images that you can use over and over again. It sure beats spending time and even money finding the right stock photo that might not look even close to what your ideal graphic looks like.

Canva ( Want an image generator that is free to use? Canva has that.

Using words and phrases, you can turn them into pictures.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But you can create one with just a few of them thanks to the power of AI. From there, you can enhance it with different filters and effects.

And you can add words to them. Whichever your graphic content calls for, you can put it all together. Plus, there really isn’t a need to spend an arm and a leg since it’s free of charge anyway.

DALL-E 2 (

Before ChatGPT, OpenAI released DALL-E. After it was introduced to the world, it became one of the best options for creating awesome high-quality images via natural language. You can create multiple images and choose one that will best fit your visual content ideas and dreams.

You can use the prompts to create different textures, reflections, and other details that you think might be a good fit for your image.

Final Thoughts

Content creation - be it by word or image - using AI is quite impressive. It still has a few kinks to work out before it reaches some kind of next level status. Nevertheless, it can be quite useful for the entrepreneur who is looking to crank out blog content, marketing materials, or even striking images that can be eye-catching.

You can choose the best tools that fit your needs and preferences. What makes these tools impressive is that it can take seconds to create something perfect. All by using a few words.

Chapter 6: Enhancing Personal Productivity

In this final chapter, we take a step outside of the office for a moment. Meaning we want to focus on your own personal productivity. We’ve talked so much about content creation, project management, and everything in between.

But AI tools are not always made for work purposes. We will discuss how AI learning platforms can be helpful for skill development. And we’ll also discuss which health and wellness apps have AI features that will help you stay on top of things in order to live a healthy lifestyle.

We’re in the home stretch. Ready to get started? Let’s do this.

Personalized AI Learning Platforms for Skill Development

When it comes to skill development, there are plenty of AI learning platforms that you can take advantage of. There are plenty of benefits that come with these types of platforms including automating tasks, creating learning experiences at your own pace, and receiving course recommendations based on the skills you want to learn.

Let’s take a look at the following platforms that might be the best fit for your skill development needs:

Teachable (

This platform has long been one of the best course platforms online. And it has since incorporated the power of AI in an effort to create a curriculum where you can create your own course. That is unless you have a skill or two of your own that you want to teach others.

You also have a quiz generator, subtitles and translations, and a summary generator for your course. Yes, you can make course building with AI a lot easier. Especially when someone is looking to learn something new - whether it’s AI-related or not.

Memrise (
Want to learn a new language? Want AI to give you a hand with it

as well? Say hello to Memrise.

You can learn one of almost two dozen languages that are gamified to make it even more fun. It also has an AI chatbot tutor that will help you sharpen your language skills. Have conversations with the bot in your desired language so you gain more confidence in reading, writing, and even speaking it.

If you want to learn a new language using AI and with a fun twist, Memrise just be numero uno (en Espanol) on your list.

360 Learning (

One of the best features of this learning platform is a “recommended for you section” so you can learn different skills based on your behavior. Specifically your learning behavior.

It will also operate based on your training history. And yes, you too can use it to create your own courses.

AI can be an excellent tool for both course creators and students. You can use it to customize learning experiences based on the needs of those who want to learn a new skill. As a course creator, you can be able to generate content with ease using tools like Jasper or even ChatGPT.

Imagine creating course slides in seconds and have something put together for someone hungry to learn a skill that you love to teach. As a student, you can take one course and then follow it up with another so you can improve your skill set thanks to AI’s ability to recommend other courses based on your learning behavior.

Furthermore, AI can also prove itself useful as a tutor, making it easier to analyze your performance as a learner while being able to put together a customized lesson plan in order for you to develop the skills you want to learn from basic levels and up.

Health and Wellness Apps with AI Features

Our health and wellness - both physical and mental - are important. So it would make sense to track it as best we can. There are plenty of apps that come with AI features.

EvolveAI (

If you are looking for a personal trainer that is powered by AI, this is the app you want to try out. It will give you personalized workouts, advice on your diet, as well as the ability to check-in daily with your progress.

You can also use voice-to-text technology so you can be able to keep track of your fitness progress and meet your goals with ease. Pretty neat, isn’t it?

Fitbod (

If you are looking for a similar app, Fitbod is a good option too. What makes this stand out is that it can track your progress based on muscle fatigue from your last workouts. Never worry about figuring out which exercise to choose when you have an app that can make sure you don’t choose the wrong one and injure yourself.

This is also compatible with AI wearables such as Fitbit, Apple Health, and similar devices.

Wysa (

Let’s focus on the mental health aspect for a moment. This uses an AI system that will provide you with excellent care in conjunction with human coaching in case they need additional assistance. You can track your mood, learn how to think more positively, and get an excellent level of support that is a good fit for any mental health issues you may be dealing with.

By the way, this is not just a great tool for your personal use. If you have team members in your business that want to focus on their own mental health, we cannot help but recommend this specific app for them. That’s because mental health can be on the line in a work environment.

Wysa can also help your team members out whenever they are struggling. You can also do your part to look out for them as well. Because mental health is more than just what AI can do.

Final Thoughts

AI is great for personal productivity, skill development, and yes even keeping track of your health as well. Now, some of the productivity apps you use in the office can be useful for personal use as well.

You can create checklists for AM or PM routines. You can use AI to keep track of your diet and fitness habits. And you can use it when your mind doesn’t seem like it's in the right place.

Keep in mind that AI doesn’t replace emergency medical help. Nor does it replace any kind of assistance in case you are dealing with a severe mental health crisis. In case of such emergencies, it is important to make sure you call the appropriate emergency number (i.e - 911 in the United States and Canada).

Other than that, AI can make tracking your fitness and overall health a lot easier. But don’t forget to take the best care of yourself every day. Hey, you might even use AI to plan your diet and workout.


That’s a wrap. Before we close this out, we want to thank you for reading this book and making sure that AI becomes a part of your personal and professional life. You now possess the skills and abilities of using such tools to your advantage.

Recap of Key Strategies and Tools

So let’s provide you with a recap of key strategies and tools that you can use to your advantage. With AI, there are plenty of things you can get it to do. This includes the following activities along with the appropriate tools to get the job done:

Virtual assistants: This uses some kind of AI technology to create reminders with the power of your voice. You can also make various requests such as news reports, weather, traffic information, and more. This can be used for your most basic skills and requests.

Time management: Scheduling appointments and meetings has never been easier. You can use AI prompts to schedule the days and times so you can be able to get there on time, every time. Even better, you won’t have to be late for any appointments (barring anything popping out of nowhere that may cause you to reschedule). If you need to reschedule, AI can do it for you too. Google Calendars with AI and similar apps can be worth the use.

Task management: Using AI, this can be done in two different approaches. One, you plan and prioritize the tasks you want to do. Two, if you have a bit much on your plate, you can always use AI tools to delegate those tasks to someone you know can get the job done. Using tools such as Slack or Teams might best suit you for those purposes.

Effective communication: This can be done by typing up a prompt to churn out a quick email. Or it can be done by the sound of your voice. Either way, make sure you and your team are able to communicate clearly and effectively with AI. Time may not be on your side, which makes us appreciate AI even more for putting together a quick email or message and sending it to one team member or the entire project team itself.

Project management: Of course, project management with the use of AI can make things easier. You can delegate tasks to people on your team. And you can program it based on different skill sets. This way, AI knows which tasks can go to whom. That alone can make projects go smoothly and with less setbacks. Asana and are considered some of the best - even long before AI came in and made it a lot cooler.

Content creation and management: AI has the ability to create dozens of written and visual content in seconds. If that doesn't make its power impressive, we don’t know what will. Yet, you can utilize it to create content that may be focused on your audience. Or you can simply use it to create visually appealing images. Whether it’s for marketing or generating awareness, using AI tools like DALL-E or even Jasper can make sure you can churn out content for all your written and graphic needs.

Personal development: AI can make your personal life easier - including tracking your physical and mental health. If you want to make it easier to track your fitness and diet, there are plenty of apps that use AI so you can keep up with your goals. And it just might inspire you to keep going.

Taking the Next Steps in Your AI Productivity Journey

So what’s next? Your next steps in your AI productivity journey might not have been planned out yet. If that’s the case, let’s use this opportunity to help you draw out a map so you can get started. First, refer back to the first chapter and identify your productivity challenges.

Once you have a solid assessment of what they are, find AI apps that will help you conquer your productivity challenges. It will take time to overcome them since you’ll need to spend some time learning how to use the apps of your choice. The good news is that many of them are user-friendly and easy to use from the beginning.

Be sure to carefully check out each app and see if it meets any of your critical needs and preferences. Find one that will fit your budget - even if it is free to use.

We hope that you have found this book helpful. If you loved reading this, feel free to leave us a review. If you have any additional questions, comments, or concerns - don’t be afraid to reach out to us. Again, we thank you for reading this book and wish you all the best in your AI productivity journey.

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