Preparing for a Great Facebook Live Event


If you want to host the best possible Facebook Live event it is important that you carry out some important tasks before you record it. In this article, we will explain the best way to prepare for a great Facebook Live event.

Get your Lighting right

When Facebook users attend a live event they want to see the face of the person that is hosting the event clearly. If this is not the case then they are very likely to leave the event quickly. Unfortunately, there are lots of Facebook Live events where the lighting was clearly wrong and this has spoiled the whole presentation.

One of the most common mistakes that people make with lighting is that they face a window in their home or office when sunlight is streaming in. This tends to create a lot of glare which could make the image of the host very unclear. A better approach is to sit with your back to a window with streaming sunlight as this will tend to create a high-quality video image.

If you are not recording your Facebook Live event during the day then you may need to invest in some special lighting that will produce the highest quality video image. Quite often the lighting that exists in homes and offices is not up to the job.

Use an Uncluttered Environment

You need to check the background of your environment. If this is full of clutter then this can be a serious distraction for your audience. A large clock in the background can force your viewers to look at it instead of you for example.

Always bear in mind that you are trying to present a professional image of your business with all of your Facebook Live events. Nobody is going to be impressed if you record your live events against a background of clutter.

Make sure that other people do not interrupt your Facebook Live recording. There is no reason why you shouldn't record your event at home, but it will be very distracting if your children or one of your pets suddenly makes an appearance. This will probably give your audience a laugh and it is OK one time, but you don't want this to happen more than once. Do your best to prevent it from happening at all.

Test your Internet Connection

A lot of businesses these days use a WiFi router for their Internet connection. This is fine but you need to ensure that you have the strongest possible signal before you go live. If the Internet drops out during your event then this will come across as completely unprofessional. If you are unsure that your WiFi signal is strong enough then use a cable connection.

Practice your Facebook Live Event Recording

There is a feature within Facebook Live where you can create practice recordings before you actually go live. If you are new to recording live events we strongly recommend that you take advantage of this. You can play this back to see what you did right and what you did wrong.

Another advantage of using a practice video is that you can check to see if there are any distractions and if the lighting is just right for your recording. If you find any problems then you can put these right before you go live.


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