Promoting your Recorded Facebook Live Event


After you have finished recording your Facebook Live event your work is not complete. You need to promote the recording as much as you can to get people that were unable to attend to view it.

There are several ways that you can promote your recorded event and in this article we will discuss some of the best ways you can do this. It is in your interest to keep promoting your recording some time after your live event finished.

Use other Social Channels

If you have other social channels such as Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and so on you can obtain a link from Facebook to your recorded event and then spread the word about it using these other channels.

Not everybody has a Facebook account, so one of the tricks that we recommend is to download your event video from Facebook and then upload it to your YouTube channel. This will make your event video available to anybody and you can share your YouTube link as well as your Facebook link.

Tell your Email Subscribers

If you have an email list of people who are interested in your niche then send out an email to them with a link to your Facebook Live event recording. Use persuasive tactics to get them to watch the event and leave comments and likes.

Don't forget to ask your email subscribers to share the video with their friends on Facebook as well. If there was a special offer associated with your event then make sure that this is still available to people who watch the recording for a certain time. You can use this as an urgency tactic when you send out your emails.

Add Captions to the Event Video

You are likely to get a lot more views to your event video if you add captions to it. You need to bear in mind that not everybody will be able to play your event video with sound. They may be at work, at home with a baby who is sleeping or just in an environment where they cannot listen to the sound.

Nowadays more and more people are watching Facebook videos without the sound for a variety of reasons, so it is very important that you add captions to your recorded event. You can get Facebook to generate the captions automatically or you can upload your own SRT file. After adding the captions, play the event video to make sure that they make sense.

Pin your Event Post on your Facebook page

When you pin your recorded Facebook Live video on your Facebook page it will appear right at the top and will be visible to everyone who visits your page. This is a good trick for ensuring the maximum amount of eyeballs on your event video as it will be the first thing that visitors see when they land on your page.

Boost your Recorded Event Video

If your recorded event turned out really well you can pay Facebook to boost the post on your Facebook page to increase your reach. When you boost the post you can specify the audience that you want to target by defining their age range, their location, their interests, their gender and other factors. This is an inexpensive way to increase your reach.

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