Note: You can read the full guide and resources in the carousel above ☝️

Affiliate marketing, is marketing that is done to promote a product or service that you as a marketer don’t stock on a retail level, but that you market to get a share of the profits made when the product sells through your own promotional efforts.

Affiliate marketing has become one of the favorite marketing methods of online marketers because it allows them to use their preferred outreach channels to offer prospective buyers stuff that is hard to resist.

And sometimes, just sometimes, affiliate marketing doesn’t work for some people, and it is all because of their approach at promoting a product the wrong way, on the wrong channel. One such channel is social media, and in this unit we are going to give you a leg up and help you to do affiliate marketing the right way on the LinkedIn platform!

Join Affiliate Marketing Groups

Using groups on LinkedIn is one of the best strategies if what you want is to achieve success with anything that you do on LinkedIn, and affiliate marketing is no exception! Groups are great for making information exchange easier, and this includes information that can help you to land some sweet affiliate deals.

Start by looking for affiliate marketing groups, which is easy to do, as you would only need to use affiliate related keywords or niche keywords. Affiliate marketing groups are a great source of knowledge because they’re a home to experienced affiliate marketers, and affiliate posts don’t look like spam in these groups.

Share Your LinkedIn Affiliate Offers on Other Social Channels

We have told you before how LinkedIn is different than other social channels, and the good thing about it is that you can use it to compliment your affiliate marketing efforts on other social media channels, especially on twitter.

Cross promoting your affiliate links on different social networking sites this way will help you to get more direct traffic to your offers.

Follow Company Pages Related to Your Niche

The most important thing that you can get as an affiliate marketer are valid clicks to your offers and repeating customers, and the fact that only 3% of click throughs are likely to convert for any affiliate means that the traffic that you get to your offers has to be of the most relevant type possible.

And when you follow company pages that are related to your niche you increase your visibility to leads and prospective buyers that are also following them, increasing your chances of getting visits to your affiliate offers, and of getting sales through those offers as well.

Become a Content Expert

Being an affiliate marketer is not only about knowing how and where to post affiliate links, because if you want to become really successful at affiliate marketing you have to learn how to make people interested enough in your offers as to get them to click through them.

And there’s no better way to do this than to become very knowledgeable about what you promote. Becoming an expert will allow you to create highly relevant content that can be the perfect placement for your affiliate links, and creating well informed affiliate articles and posts is the best way to get LinkedIn members to make informed purchases through your affiliate links!

Promote Free Info Products

Lead magnets can work wonders for affiliate marketing on LinkedIn when they offer valuable content for users, and you can spread your affiliate offers across the content offered inside your products.

Promote Your Affiliate Offers as Answers to Questions

Be on the lookout for questions made on the platform about products or services related to your offers, or questions made about problems that can be solved by using the products or services that you promote and subtly insert your affiliate links on your answers. Just remember to not write a sales pitch, but to suggest a solution. 

Read more: You can read the full guide and resources in the carousel above ☝️

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